Living In Harmony


Here I am, living the good life as my sister’s housekeeper while waiting for my social security disability checks.  I’ve read a veritable mountain of books this summer.  The house is clean, the laundry is folded, the plants are watered (most of the time) and the stress factor is manageable.  Still licking my wounds, so to speak.  Still dealing with lupus.  Still trotting off to the hospital every three weeks for IVIG treatment.  It could be worse.

However, I need to do something productive, creative and profitable.  So I decided to design and make jewelry.  I had the basic tools and materials, as I toyed with the idea a couple years back.  At the time, I made bracelets and earrings for Christmas gifts.

Living without a paycheck is a great motivator for thinking outside the box.  I have plenty of skill sets in a traditional work setting.  But my life is no longer what I consider “traditional.”  So after a lot of soul searching, I decided to launch my little jewelry making enterprise.

My business is called Harmony Beads.  “Jewelry in tune with every occasion.”

I know absolutely NOTHING about the jewelry-making business, but I’m a quick learner.  So far, I’ve managed to enter into a giant art fair in November, sell a few pieces to some friends, and sign up for a wire wrapping course at the university.  My sister, bless her heart, is hosting a jewelry premier party in October.  We’re serving wine and I hope everyone drinks and spends money.

In the meantime, I spend most of my time working at the dining room table where the light is good. I bought a stronger pair of reading glasses for obvious reasons.  I love making jewelry. The design inspirations are endless.  It fulfills my need for creativity.  The final products are tangible and satisfying without any calories.  There’s something fantastic about making something and being pleased with the results of your creation.  It’s akin to the joy having children without the hassle of raising them.

My cat Tigger usually keeps me company.  He likes to lay on paper and plastic things.  He also waits around to chase the occasional “flying bead” when I knock something over.  Last Saturday night he hit the jackpot when an entire tray of pearls spilled all over the floor.

I’ve managed to stay out of the pool halls and biker bars.  So far.

If this little enterprise takes off and does well, I’ll be a happy camper.

7 responses »

  1. I’m on disability too and I do some of the housekeeping for my daughter but all of the child care. It’s funny because I, too, have thought of doing making jewelry. I have some beads and books but I recently got Carpal tunnel and I seem to drop things that are small because my right hand is usually partially numb. I really like your pieces. My daughter is manager of a jewelry store here on the island. It’s definitely upscale because there are so many rich people here. My daughter has taken classes through The Gemological Institute of America. One of her courses was beading and she gave me the whole kit that comes with tons of stuff and I’m thinking I should dig it out. You have inspired me. I just hope I don’t drop the beads all over the floor. Wow, I am long winded tonight.

    How cool that you have a beading kit … I hope you dig it out! Kudos to your daughter taking classes from the GIA. I’m impressed. Thanks for the positive feedback on the jewelry. Carpal tunnel is a bitch but you can still bead – even if you drop stuff now and then. That’s what sweepers are for! Go for it Joan!

  2. Awww, your Tigger is so cute all curled up like that. 🙂

    Your jewelry is lovely! I hope the party goes well for you. Did you open an Etsy shop too? You may want to take a look at that if you haven’t. I think you’d do well.

  3. Hi! I happened to find your website as I was searching for something about Lupus (I am a Lupus patient as well), and I fell in love with your jewelry! Do you have information on pricing, etc? I’d love to buy some. Thanks!

  4. First, yeah for you getting approved 1st time around. MI denies 92% of people the first time around, so I was extra-happy to hear your news, as I can’t imagine everything that goes along with disability. No one I know has ever made it through first time, except my paralyzed friend of course.

    Second, you can always ask other bloggers (like me) to “review” your jewelry and/or host a giveaway for a pieces. Set up a jewelry blog, get your Etsy site like Teeni suggested, and maybe even an eBay store. When you have all that AND your Twitter & Facebook pages, email me, as I’d love to help you promote the crap out of your stuff. I spent like an hour promoting all my contests online at other websites.

    Plus, who doesn’t like jewelry? Great idea, glad you’ve found it!

  5. I know you haven’t blogged in a while, but I love that you found something to do — making jewelry.
    After wanting to be a book editor for about ten years … since college (it is what I went to school for!), I finally have the chance to do so. I’m *lucky* I can’t hold a so-called regular job and finally had to act on my dream of writing and editing. I work for a small press and adore it. If I wasn’t sick, I’d be out there busting my butt and not receiving the satisfaction I am now. Yeah, I feel horrible and am stressing about disability, but at least I have perspective now and am Finally doing what I want. I actually have considered making jewelry but I just don’t know if my hands can handle it (no pun intended lol). It’s hard enough to type, but I do it.
    Good on you for doing what you want!!!!
    I love this post =)

  6. Lovely jewelry, hopeful post! Sending you my best, my warmest thoughts. Hoping you’ve a good day, and an even better tomorrow!
    Thanks for stopping by! I read your blog and will put you on my blog roll. Your writing has inspired me to start blogging again! I totally understand your life with lupus. Hang in there kiddo!

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